Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Originally set aside as a day to remember those who fought and died in the American civil war, Memorial Day has expanded to all those who have given their life fighting for our country and it's freedom.  Thank you to all our men and women in uniform and the sacrifices they, and their families, make daily.

Memorial Day weekend is also the (un)official start of summer for most. When I was growing up in Ohio, this was the weekend the public pools opened, the school year was about to end and vacation time was in sight. Road trips, long days, barbecues and picnics, parades, softball, summer camp and catching fireflies.

Can or Bottle Cozy
Today, it's a long awaited three day weekend from work.  Although it's been five months since the holidays, the time has gone by so quickly.  I'm sure this summer will be no exception and become a memory before I realize it.

What memories are triggered for you this weekend? Are you planning a family get together?  How about ribs and chicken on the grill?

Have fun and be safe.
Can or Bottle Cozy

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

There is a special love a child has for their mother. She nurtures and cares for her children and family  24/7.  I remember as a child we had a cat who had a litter of kittens. She was a good cat and we played with her often. But she had a special voice, tone, meow that she used when she was dealing with her kittens. I never heard that voice before they were born, and never after they were weened and left her. How much more is our mother's love?

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:Proverbs 31:10, 27-28 NIV

Honor your mother today in your own special way. Your special love is all she craves.

Crochet Carnation of white cotton

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Pocket Just Right for You!

Have you ever said, "I like this, but I wish..."?  When it comes to your Helping Hand Pocket Pouch, customization is key.  Everyone is special.  

You can make your choices in fabric, prints or solids, number of pockets, size, etc.  The perfect Helping Hand Pocket Pouch will be made to order.  Check out this order form to make your decisions easier.

I pay special attention to ease of use. Velcro, buttons with wide buttonholes, snaps, ribbons and ties are all available for your Helping Hand Pocket Pouch. Contact me if you have a special need or request. I enjoy special orders.  

Browse through my Etsy shop to see examples of what we can do together.