Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sashay and Ribbon Ruffle Scarves

Sashay Tango
Ruffle scarves are very popular this season.  Redheart yarns makes it so easy to design your own with their Sashay and Ribbon Boutique specialty yarns.  Take a look at some of the scarves I've made.
Chain Scarf

Ruffled Scarf

Ribbon Scarf

Some are made with crochet hooks, some are made with knitting looms, and some are made with knooks.  Each technique has it's advantages, but generally give the same results.  Try whichever method you feel most comfortable.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Crochet Corner

As winter approached a couple of years ago, I decided to get back to crochet.  I participated in a crochet along with the fine people at Bernat.  What a great way to refresh my skills and learn new techniques.  Crocheting also gives my idle hands a constructive purpose for the couple of hours of TV a night as well as being able to participate in a conversation with dear sweet husband.  

Check out my Crochet Corner in JC's Sewing Room.

May God continue to bless you all.